Feriados Nacionales Argentina 2019 Ministerio Del Interior: A Complete Guide

Consult el calendario de feriados 2019 de la Argentina
Consult el calendario de feriados 2019 de la Argentina from paralelo32.com.ar


Argentina is a country rich in culture and history, and its national holidays reflect this diversity. The Ministerio del Interior, which is responsible for the country's public affairs, has declared several national holidays throughout the year. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the Feriados Nacionales Argentina 2019, as declared by the Ministerio del Interior.

What are Feriados Nacionales?

Feriados Nacionales are national holidays in Argentina. They are declared by the government to commemorate important events in the country's history, or to celebrate religious or cultural festivals. These holidays are observed throughout the country, and most businesses and government offices are closed on these days.

Feriados Nacionales Argentina 2019

The Ministerio del Interior has declared several Feriados Nacionales for 2019. The following is a list of these holidays: - January 1: A̱o Nuevo (New Year's Day) - March 4: Carnaval (Carnival) - March 5: Carnaval (Carnival) - March 24: D?a Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia (National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice) - April 2: D?a del Veterano y de los Ca?dos en la Guerra de Malvinas (Veterans Day and Day of the Fallen in the Malvinas War) - April 19: Viernes Santo (Good Friday) - May 1: D?a del Trabajador (Labor Day) - May 25: D?a de la Revoluci?n de Mayo (May Revolution Day) - July 9: D?a de la Independencia (Independence Day) - August 19: Paso a la Inmortalidad del General Jos̩ de San Mart?n (Death Anniversary of General Jos̩ de San Mart?n) - October 14: D?a del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) - November 18: D?a de la Soberan?a Nacional (National Sovereignty Day) - December 8: Inmaculada Concepci?n de Mar?a (Immaculate Conception of Mary) - December 25: Navidad (Christmas)

Tips for Celebrating Feriados Nacionales

If you are planning to travel to Argentina during one of these holidays, here are some tips to help you make the most of your experience: 1. Check the dates of the Feriados Nacionales before booking your trip, as many businesses and government offices may be closed on these days. 2. Plan your itinerary accordingly, and make sure to visit popular tourist attractions before or after the holidays, as they may be crowded on these days. 3. Attend local festivals and events to experience the culture and traditions of Argentina. 4. Try the local food and drinks, as many restaurants and cafes may have special menus for the holidays. 5. Respect the customs and traditions of the locals, and be mindful of cultural differences.


Feriados Nacionales Argentina 2019 are an important part of the country's culture and history. They provide an opportunity for locals and tourists alike to celebrate, reflect, and honor the events and people that have shaped Argentina's past and present. By following these tips, you can make the most of your holiday experience in Argentina and create lasting memories.

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